
a daughter's thanks

Thank you for listening to my ranting words and unstable thoughts and never judging, for answering the phone at 3 in the morning because your voice is what i prefer to hear rather than a silly boy's after i've had a couple drinks, for honoring me and my love for dance and for blessing me with such a talent, for always managing to have your shit in line no matter how long it takes, for the wisdom and knowledge i have been rooted with, for the everlasting pride i feel just being your daughter, for the years of tears and laughter, for picking me up off the bathroom floor when i thought a high school boy's actions were strong enough to be the end of me, for the radiant beauty you portray by just having the ability to always make somebody laugh, for the personality traits i owe entirely to you, for the wittiness and sassiness i am known for, for supporting me in all of my endeavors and guiding me through college, for holding my hand after all the times you should have slapped me away, for opening your arms to absolutely anybody that just needs somebody to talk to, for being an inspiration and an angel in mine and so many other people's eyes.

i owe it all to you, and i'm so lucky to call you mine.

Happy mother's day big red. i love you to the ends of this universe