
wreaking havoc

I find myself longing for my keyboard at times when I have absolutely nothing to do. I think in life, you need moments where you have absolutely nothing to do. Nowhere to be, no words to say, no thoughts to think. Just blank. I think the times we are alone are the times we know ourselves the best. I find myself feeling very comfortable in my skin when I am alone. With absolutely nothing to do. I feel at peace and powerful and strong. I feel as though my head and my heart have finally put an end to their everyday battlefield. With absolutely nothing to do. In my opinion, everybody should find a time in their day to really feel alone. Look around you and literally taste the emptiness. Swallow the chill in the air and let your mind wander. Imagine you are out of your body. Watch yourself. Feel yourself. Get to know yourself. It's times like these, when i have absolutely nothing to do, that I feel the most alive.


  1. Glad to "see" you smiling, Ms. EET. Your words remind me of an old Simon and Garfunkel tune: "The 59th Street Bridge Song." It's the happiest song ever sung.

    There's a particular verse, which is echoed in your posting:

    I've got no deeds to do/
    No promises to keep/
    I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep/
    Let the morning time drop all its petals on me/
    Life, I love you/
    All is groovy.

    Here's a really old but good video of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel singing it. I'm hoping it makes you smile:


  2. i know this, a little to well.

    you write beautifully.

  3. i like your blog. =) please check out mine and follow if you wish:

