
#1: Dear Bruce

So, I have this assignment in one of my classes and it involves creating your own blog. Luckily, I already had one. I love writing and think that it is one of the most therapeutic things a person can do for themselves. I decided for my assignment that i'm doing to write 6 blogs all titled to someone, like in a letter. Each entry will have a number and will be dedicated to something, someone or whatever i feel like writing about. Here goes my first one...

Dear Bruce,
It's been almost two and a half years since you've been gone, and there are so many things I wish I could say to you if I just had the chance. I'd tell you millions of thoughts that have been on my mind since the day you were taken from us. I'd tell you that your four year old son is brilliant, and that sometimes I believe he is a piece of you reincarnated. I'd ask you more questions about the entertainment business and where you've left your mark around the world as a performer. I'd tell you that I think you are one of the greatest men to have ever lived. I'd take the cancer out of your bones and give it to myself if it would bring you back. I'd laugh from my belly again and indulge in one of your famous hugs. I'd tell you that mom's fine and I think you give her strength. I'd watch a football game with you and actually understand it now. I'd sing a song with you. I would talk about college with you and how it scares the shit out of me sometimes. I'd tell you that I think A.J. prides himself in being like you. I'd show you my tattoos which are dedicated for you and you only (and explain about my next one which I think you would love.) I'd update you on my life and how I've been living these past two years, i'm not sure if you would be 100% proud of me. I'd dance with you again, and I would finally perform with you as we used to talk about. If I could see you again, I think it would snap my world back into focus; for it hasn't been quite as balanced since you've been gone.
I miss and love you. RIP


  1. I love your project. I found this letter to be beautiful. I'm sure he would love it as well.

  2. this is so beautiful.
    so beautiful.
