
the fire of possibility.

His stares filled with a hunger so blatant
the path his eyes travel as she walks into the room
The bite of her lip and the fiddle of her hands
smirks and rushes and desires
the yearn to get out of the bar and indulge in each others mouths
the heat between them as he gazes at her lips, down to her hips and back up again
the thought of what could possibly be
the continuation of what was once a random night
the evolving of words, with each encounter
the alcohol in his taste, the nicotine on her tongue
eyes squinting in sex appeal, the slow yet inviting chew of her gum
lyrics blasting louder than the racing thoughts in their minds
the distinct routine, the words every night
the way that wrong feels
the dismissive shrugs when someone questions
the thrill of the tease
the intertwine of our legs
the bite marks on my toned shoulders
the way it gets me every time without fail
the bashful feeling of embarrassment, the "love" of secrecy
the power you hold of mine
the rotation of our dance

you are in my four corners. it's inevitable. you do something to me.

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