

It's been a while. but that's okay. actually it's not because i probably should be writing more.
so i'm here now, writing, with music in my ears. sounds like me.

i've been inspired lately, but awfully lazy
this year, so far, is trudging along with me like an annoying wind,
attempting to blow up my skirt.
i'm having fun, i suppose
my heart is so full of desire, for bigger things and places
my mind is on a never-ending binge for movement
my phone barely works and i hate it.
i'm finding beauty so often lately. in random things and words.
school is like an insect.
i'm growing a lot and i know it.
i know i'm about to meet people that will change my life.
i have regrets but who doesn't
i wonder about past people often now.
but differently
like in a distant memory that causes a sigh of relief
and sometimes longing
but mostly relief.
girls are mean. and so am i sometimes.
new albums are securing my love for music
coffee has turned into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert
i should be having so much more sex than i have been
it's embarrassing actually

I've come to the conclusion that the more i yearn for what i want the less i get it. but then again, nothing happens in the blink of an eye. i might as well enjoy this clock of time that i'm being shown everyday. i've also realized that i can say and do whatever i please, and the people who truly love me will accept that. i watch people put on masks everyday. mine's so far gone it's beautiful. and that, is almost better than sex.


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